- if This_Player.getv(28,1)= 1 then
- begin
- for ck_kind := 1 to 300 do
- begin
- if ck_name[ck_kind] = This_Item.ItemName then
- begin
- ck_num := This_Item.AddPa1;
- ck_gold := ck_value[ck_kind];
- if (ck_num > 0) and (ck_num < 5) then
- begin
- for i:= 1 to ck_num do
- begin
- ck_gold := ck_gold*2;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if ck_num >= 3 then
- begin
- This_Player.PlayerNotice('提示:你的【'+This_Item.ItemName+'】已提升出最高属性!',1); // 0红 1绿 2蓝 3粉
- end else
- if ck_gold > 0 then
- begin
- if This_Player.YBnum >= ck_gold then
- begin
- ck_rand := random(100);
- if ck_rand < 0 then
- begin
- This_Player.NotifyClientCommitItem(0,'');
- This_Player.PlayerNotice('失败:'+This_Item.ItemName+' 未发生变化',0);
- This_NPC.NotifyClientUPdBagItem(This_Player,This_Item);
- This_NPC.Click_CommitItem(This_Player,1,'提升防御:');
- This_Player.ScriptRequestSubYBNum(ck_gold);
- end else
- begin
- This_Item.AddPa1 := This_Item.AddPa1 + 1; //防御+1
- This_Player.ScriptRequestSubYBNum(ck_gold);
- ck_str :='防御+1';
- This_NPC.Click_CommitItem(This_Player,1,'提升防御:');
- end;
- if ck_str <> '' then
- begin
- ServerSay('恭喜:玩家<'+This_Player.Name+'>在终极配饰处把【'+This_Item.ItemName+'】提升了<'+ck_str+'>!',3);
- This_Player.NotifyClientCommitItem(0,'提升成功:你的'+This_Item.ItemName+'提升了'+ck_str+'!');
- This_NPC.NotifyClientUPdBagItem(This_Player,This_Item);
- This_NPC.Click_CommitItem(This_Player,1,'提升防御:');
- end;
- end else
- begin
- This_Player.PlayerNotice('无法提升:你的元宝不足,需要'+inttostr(ck_gold)+'元宝。',1); // 0红 1绿 2蓝 3粉
- end;
- end else
- begin
- This_Player.NotifyClientCommitItem(0,'该物品不可提升,请投入可提升的装备!');
- end;